Friday, August 03, 2007

four reasons

to love you or not to love you, that is the question, my dear!
ofcourse "to love" has a good argument behind it in our feeling driven society. That's why I made a list: reasons to love you and reasons not to love you.
under reasons to love you: 1. you're Jewish, a girl can always use Jewish witt in her life; 2. you tell me I'm beautiful and interesting 3. we laugh 4. I love you
under reasons not to love you: 1. you didn't call me this week 2. you live with your best friend who has a crush on you (and between you and I, she's slightly over weight)
3. you snore 4. I love you.
should I break up with you? should I come back to reality and pretend it didn't happen once more? Should I give up on love all together?
Of course I can't ask to be the most important thing in your life, the outmost priority, the air you breathe. That would be selfish.
I don't know how to play second fiddle, I don't know how to love without passion and consuming need. Love is no fun without need. Will you let me need you?
What a fool I am. You've got a career to care about. No time for love there. Hollywood is such a cruel place. It promises love, glory and eternity. However, it redefines our concepts of love, glory and eternity by isolating us and sucking out the passion from every minute we love, every minute we feel, every minute we care.
I will break up with you. I love you.


Blogger Nickde said...

vedo che non sei l'unica a cui piacciono le storie complicate, ho un amica che se non si incasina coi tipi non è contenta...
ma trovare qualcuno più... "normale" no?!


8:23 AM  
Blogger silvia said...

penso che le donne siano fatte un po cosi: se la storia non e` complicata, non ci piace.
trovare qualcuno di normale? ma scherzi? e se poi mi dovesse amare e darmi tutto l'affetto di cui ho bisogno? non potrei reggere. io ho bisogno di dramma, di lacrime ed insulti per sentire l'amore.:)
grazie degli Auguri anche se in questo caso non servono piu`.

11:24 AM  

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