miami fever
spent my birthday week in miami. beach time, sauna like humidity, turquoise ocean brought all my good thoughts into one happy place. Oh, miami! Oh Delano Hotel! so many people to bitch about, so little time.
I am tanned. not worth the pain though. Bought one of them floaties. covered myself with SPF 30 lotion. laid in the water, at the tidal waves' mercy, looking at people, seagulls, talking to my friends, avoiding a bathing suit with no owner here, a hygienic towel there. When i got back to the room, I looked like a seared steak. Needless to say I spent the night hugging the aloe/lidocane ointment bottle.
back in LA, looking forward to prove myself: after all I'm one year older. A cold sore on my bottom lip keeps me grounded. Bought some Abreva medication. $17 fot the tiniest tube, only to discover that it has no ingredients that fight cold sores whatsoever. The only active ingredient is alcohol! Nice. $17 for an alcohol swab!
Since I'm a stripper and all, cold sores are never welcome. Not that they would be if I wasn't a stripper. I'll just have to pretend I had a collagen shot and play the plastic surgery card. which I hate. I'm known in the industry for my natural assets.
Now, in addition to the cold sore, my nose is pealing and I look flaky. I can't find a better word for it: it's just flaky.
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to you!
armati di cazzuola e fratasso, un un secchio di foille!
รจ un problema che ho anch'io... maledetta carnagione arianotta!
non sono riuscita a moderare l'altro commento, ma per rispondere: grazie dell'interesse nel mio cappezzolo, ma l'anonimato delle mie parti corporee e` parte del fascino di questo blog.
Grazie degli auguri. Sto diventando grande
to ian
got your comment, thank you.
just couldn't publish it for some reson.
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