missing chemistry
when bad sex happens to good people, one can only wonder: is it me? am I being punished for all the good times I had?
went out with a charming boy. had a great dinner at a trendy eatery where I obviously had to run into friends I didn't really wanna see that night. I had to explain to them my reason of being there and the reason of the boy being with me.
during dinner, the boy caressed my legs under the table, held my hand and told me I'm gorgeous, which is a cheap shot, cause I'm vain. after dinner he just pulled me to him and kissed me with lots of hands everywhere, in the middle of the street. by the time we got to the parking lot, my skirt was twisted around my waist, my make-up was off beat and he had a pretty visible hard on. the valet was happy, cause the boy gave him a $20 tip.
we got to his place and he threw me on the bed, he spread my legs, moved my underwear out of the way and went on with his tongue. not very convincing, it was like he was afraid to touch it. He also asked if I like it and that's when all the magic dissapeared. A man should never ask, he should just do. From then on, I started noticing the room was neat, the color of the walls of an off white, he had a pair of skiis in the corner and a College degree hanging on the wall. could also hear the neighbors through the open window, the sheets smelled like clean and there were candles on his nightstand. good times.
penetration is usually a surprise and a bit of a mock fight for me. It is tensed and pleasant and arched backed and I'm-looking-you-in-the-eyes moment. not this time it wasn't. It was more like: may I come in, please? when did sex become polite? when did sex stop being dirty and sweaty and smelly? After that he just told me: "you should let me know what you like". I was thinking: "what I like involves whips and chains and you hanging off a cross with a leather mask over your face"; what I said was: "this is good. keep going". I was being shy. I couldn't stop the man, tell him straight up: look, this ain't working, let's just be friends.
I'm definately being punished for all the good times I had.
oh, una scopata maldestra è una tristezza, ma una triste scopata è un crimine! Non credo in punizioni karmike per il tuo passato. forse dovevi proprio picchiarlo sulla testa quest'omino frenato.
che dire? ancora si va a creare qualche complesso d'inferiorita`. spero solo di non vederlo piu`, cosi non ci dobbiamo spiegare.
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You should come to New York. We could do very bad things to one another.
I'll let you know when I'll be in New York.
beh, dai, puo capitare a tutti qualche goffaggine, soprattutto con una ragazza attraente... però come dice qualcuno "cazzo parli mentre scopi? mica sei in teatro!"
dai... capita... puo capitare... spero non a me!
"dai...puo capitare...spero non a me"
vedi? va bene se capita ad altri, ma se capitasse a te, non e` la stessa cosa. chissa` perche?
penso che mancava quell'attrazione, quella questione di pelle che fa il sesso essere divertente.
non è che se capita ad altri va bene, ma a me no! Voglio dire... quache cazzata l'abbiam fatta tutti, e voglio vedere chi osa negare! E' naturale il voler far di più... a volte va bene, altre no! Certo che se va male con una persona con cui c'è affiatamento ci puoi ridere sopra, se no... meglio evitare arrampicate sugli specchi o scuse stupide!
PS:era ora che postassi ancora! Era un po' che non sapevo che fare in ufficio! :P
adesso voglio sapere la tua storia di sesso andato male...giacche` hai del tempo da spreccare in ufficio.
non è una storia andata male, sono quelle piccole cose che in quei momenti sono un po' fuori luogo per il partner... dalla sculacciata, alla strizzata troppo forte, o alla parola sussurrata che proprio non ci sta!Però in quei momenti non stai troppo a pensare,è tutto istintivo!
cmq un post non basterebbe per spiegare tutto! :P
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