Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I entered the room. It was a chain hotel, nothing too fancy. two boys from Virginia were waiting for me to entertain them.
My driver set up the lights. The boys were expecting a beautiful sharade. Waiting sense crystalized into keen observation of every gesture I made to prepare myself for the show.
I put on a Rock Cd, that I burned from some illegal website. It had a song they loved, country mixed with rock'n'roll.
I danced and they watched.
One of them said: "Come closer. I wanna touch you"
I continued dancing and he unbuttoned his pants. He liberated his cock. It was hard and pink.
The other boy was sitting on another bed. He was the shy one, laughing at his friend's impulse.
I took my clothes off as slowly as I could and besides the music I could hear the strokes the boy was working his cock with.
The shy boy took his cock out. It wasn't hard and he was trying to fit in the fantasy, but somehow it didn't work for him.
I was naked, touching myself and the two boys were looking at me with predator eyes.
One of them exploded in a harsh, felt sound and the other one was just starting to take in the illusion.
At the end of the show I left them the CD.
They were both relieved and embarassed when they said good bye.
I wonder if they ever knew they played my fantasy. I wonder if they knew I wanted to abuse of them and if they ever thought about the intimacy they shared with me. I wonder if they knew I was watching.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hanno giocato per le tue fantasie e hanno pagato per questo... non è divertente? e, in fondo, ingiusto? :D
Penso che nessuno possa considerarsi solo uno spettatore. Forse qualcuno può fingere, per non avere responsabilità. Ma l'imbarazzo nel salutarti probabilmente arriva da questa coscienza malcelata.

4:28 AM  
Blogger silvia said...

lo so ch'e` ingiusto. meno male che ci sia un modo per ventilare le mie fantasie, senno, diventerei uno di quei vecchi pervertiti che guarda le ragazzine di ritorno da scuola da dietro le tende di casa, mentre si fa le seghe.

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) umm, più che ingiusto mi pare iniquo. direi che si tratta di un trattamento commerciale non paritario. ingiusto da forse l'idea di un giudizio morale, che non mi appartiene... Ho vissuto un anno con un dirimpettaio gay e guardone. ogni tanto mentre giravo per casa (se sono solo giro nuo) trovavo il suo bel faccino sorridente che mi fissava... adesso pensandoci avrei potuto chiedergli una mancia! :D :D

11:04 AM  

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